
Writers and editors who develop written material for a variety of outlets—magazines, 宣传册, 网站, 广告, 海报, 更应该注意的是写作风格, 语气, 和声音, and best practices in how to write for the outlet and audience you’re targeting. Accuracy and consistency in how we present information about the university, such as the proper and correct names buildings (Nebraskan Union, 华纳大厅), 拼写, 地址, 日期, 以及专业参考, colleges 和programs helps build audience recognition, 理解和清晰.

特别是,请注意对bet36365体育的引用. 在书面交流中, 全名, 内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校, should be spelled out when the university is first mentioned or cited. Subsequent references should cite “the university” 或联合国K. 注意university不是大写的. Even though it is referring to bet36365体育, it is not a proper name and is not capitalized. (美联社风格).

The AP Style guide is based on the standard for news media, 美联社样式手册, (所谓的“记者圣经”), 这是大多数美国主流媒体使用的.S. 还有一些国际媒体, 主要是报纸和杂志, because of its emphasis on readability and consistency in 拼写, 语法和标点符号. 因为我们的很多作品, copy or stories written about the university are eventually sent or placed with news media outlets as news releases, the AP style is a useful style for all to employ. Not APA or Chicago Manual of Style; not other academic styles.

In web writing, keep in mind search-engine optimization. It’s best to spell out 内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校 high up on the page, especially in close relation to your primary search term: “At 内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校’s Department of Biology…” Thereafter, 使用bet36365体育.

Do put bet36365体育 in parenthesis after 内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校. NEVER do this: “内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校 (bet36365体育).“同样, initials or acronyms do not go in parenthesis after the full reference: 不: College of 艺术 and 科学 (CAS). Simply place the full reference in your copy/sentence, 然后用缩写或首字母. 你的读者会明白的.
